13 marzo, 2019

Gothic England

Ya se ha avisado de la actividad bilingüe de esta semana. Es muy simple, solamente hay que seguir unos pasos.

1) Lee atentamente, diccionario de inglés en mano, el siguiente texto sobre el Arte Gótico en Inglaterra del blog arsartisticadventureofmankind.wordpress.com

Abadía de Westminster.

2) La parte más fácil es esta: copiando las preguntas (puedes copiar, pegar e imprimirlas, por una vez), responde A MANO a estas preguntas del texto. Después, se mirará que el día bilingüe estén hechas.

1. When did the Cathedral of Canterbury burn down?

2. When was the Cathedral of Canterbury completed?

3.When was the Cathedral of Salisbury completed?

4. Which church is the traditional place to crown and bury Kings and Queens?

5. Which Gothic style gave birth to the Tudor style?

6. Which Cathedral has the tallest spire?

7. Which Cathedral's exterior has more than 300 sculptured figures?

8. Which Castles are represented by the Perpendicular Style?

9. Who built Warwick Castle?

10. What was the name of the Black Prince that died in 1376

11. What is the Latin for “English work”?

12. What is a semicircular arch also known as?

13. What is the British term for the Chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary?

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